

There is nothing that God cannot do as much as He is the creator of the earth and in creating the earth; it didn’t take Him stress when He was to create it. He didn’t not took counsel from any before He create the earth neither did He borrow any thing from any to create the earth.
God being Whom He is, He does any thing at any time and as He pleases. When He was to create the earth, He only spoke three words, “Let there be” and every thing that are existing today came into existence without stress.
What are you passing through that you feel God cannot do? God can do it if only you can believe.
For your prayers to be answered there are things you must put in place so that God can answer your prayers whenever you pray to God.
Things to put in place are:
  1. You must be born again
  2. You must turn from all your sins and remain clean before God.
  3. You must believe that God can do every thing that you request from Him.
  4. You must not doubt in your heart feeling can God do it?
  5. You must remain calm in God
  6. Always believe that God has every thing that you ask from Him.
  7. You must believe that, God alone can help you.
  8. When you have involved God in your affairs, don’t put hand on any other source of solution.
  9. Remember that, there are distractors that will distract you from having focus on the God you are praying to.
  10. You must trust God for answer to all your prayers
 God has done it for billions of people, yours is not an exception, believe God to do it for you.